Saturday, January 2, 2010

ADDraw Project 365

Project 365 is a challenge to upload or document one photo a day, for an entire year. I've decided to host an ADDraw Project 365. This blog will hold a collection of photos of sketches, or creations of mine. I'll try to create something artistic, or new, each day... This will hopefully help me to find more beauty and art in the things around me. I'll have to include photos, and drawings...because as much as I'd like to...I don't get a chance to draw everyday. So, i'll include what I consider to be artistic photos of my surroundings too.

The key is, that these images, will be captured, or created, NEW each day. The rules I will set for myself are as follows:
  • Still images only, no video or animations
  • Photos may not be uploaded to the blog on the day they are captured. But one photo representing each day of the year is necessary.
  • All photos must be taken with my iPhone. All editing, cropping and filters must be applied with my phone. Digital drawings and paintings can be directly uploaded from my computer though.
  • Hand sketches or drawings on paper, can be photographed and altered with the iPhone software and apps before upload.
  • Images may or may not have a title or description (but i'll try to include one as often as possible, while keeping it short and sweet!).
  • Photos may be older than the date they represent, but some software modifications (cropping, filters, color, etc.) must be applied on the day of representation before they can be uploaded (they must be transformed from just a photo, to a work of art, on the day of representation).
While some images may not be defined as art to everyone, they will be art as I see it though my eyes. Enjoy!


  1. i like your guidlines & can't wait to see what you come up with. I started a 365 blog in hopes that I would take more creative photos, but it ended up being more of a journal. i'm just about to my year mark & i'd love to start another one & state rules for myself, in hopes that i'll do better this next time around. thanks for the idea. have fun creating

  2. This sounds so awsome im looking forward to it!
